Thursday, October 18, 2012

 How are you with photos? Not just the taking of them, but the process after that follows it, you know the editing, cropping, color adjustments, deleting ( not unimportant!) and then finally the albums...

Let me tell you that I have been a bit tardy in this area, like by about 5/6 years, ok I'll be completely honest, I still have piles of photos in a box of our wedding...which happened in 2004. Oh yes...that long ago.

So here I am, day three of sorting. So far that's all I've done, just deleting, deleting and deleting of the digital era ones, and the odd rezoning of folders, but I haven't even come close to putting any in albums yet. For all the advantages of the digital era, that is definitely a disadvantage in my book; we just take WAY too MANY photos now! Most of which will never leave the comfort of your desktop, just sitting there...taking up space and cluttering the virtual world.

 As I am going through them, I end up daydreaming as many memories come flooding back to me, THAT is the beauty of so many photos as well... here are a couple:



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